User Management

In the Tenant Users page, you can perform the following actions – Add user, edit user, Delete user (single or bulk).

Adding users

  1. To get into the tenant settings page, click your user icon at the top right corner of the screen and select Company Settings.
  2. From the left pane select “Users and Control” (people icon) and then “Users”.
  3. Click the “Add New” button at the top right corner.
  4. In the “Add New Tenant User” screen enter the user’s information in the following fields:

*First name, *Last Name, *Email, Department (optional), Phone (optional), *Mobile, *Country Code, *Number of Results Per Page.

  1. If the user will be a tenant admin, select the radius option for “Is Tenant Admin”.
  2. You can also determine a security role for the user by selecting admin, standard, or any other created user role.
  3. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.

This is what the Tenant Users page looks like:


    1. The user’s email will be used as the user ID
    2. The user will get an invitation email with an initial password to complete the registration process.
    3. The mobile phone number will be used for Two-Step-Authentication.
    4. Fields marked in step 4 with * are required.

Editing users

  1. To get into the tenant settings page, click your user icon at the top right corner of the screen and select Company Settings.
  2. From the left pane select “Users and Control” (people icon) and then “Users”.
  3. Click the pen icon in the line of the user you wish to edit
  4. In the “Edit Tenant User” screen, change any details that require an update. In this field you are also able to assign roles and change the profile picture.
  5. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.

User deletion

  1. To get into the tenant settings page, click your user icon at the top right corner of the screen and select Company Settings.
  2. From the left pane select “Users and Control” (people icon) and then “Users”.
  3. On the right side of the users table, tick off the checkbox of the user or users you wish to delete.
  4. At the top right corner click the three dots icon button and select “Delete Selected Rows”.

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